Usually you don't write integers as a fraction. If you need a fraction (mainly, to exchange numerator and denominator, for converting a division to a multiplication), you can put "1" in the denominator. In other words, just write it (in this case) as -16/1.
7.3125 as an improper fraction is 117/16 or as a mixed fraction is 7 5/16
16 20 equal to in fraction = 16/20 or 4/5
16/10016 hundredths:= 0.16 in decimal= 16/100 in decimal fraction
fraction 3 8ths of 16 = 63/8 * 16 = 48/8 = 6
16 = 16/1 is technically an improper fraction
Well the answer is ......
The fraction 16/20.
It is simply: 16/1 as an improper fraction
7.3125 as an improper fraction is 117/16 or as a mixed fraction is 7 5/16
16 is an integer, not a fraction. There is not really a sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number.
16 and 2 thirds in a fraction = 16 2/3
tree fourths of 16 is not a fraction. it is 12
16% = 16/100 or 4/25 in fraction
The fraction of 0016 = 16 is 16/1.
16 20 equal to in fraction = 16/20 or 4/5