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It is 0.005

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Q: What is 0.00499 rounded to 1 significiant figures?
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99.9 rounded to 2 significant figures is 1.0e2

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At least 1 and at most 7. It could be 3,999,999.9 rounded to 7 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 6 significant figures; It could be 4,000,015 rounded to 5 significant figures; It could be 4,000,429 rounded to 4 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 3 significant figures; It could be 4,049,999 rounded to 2 significant figures; It could be 4,492,467 rounded to 1 significant figure.

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A number with only 1 significant figure can't be rounded to 3 significant figures

How many significant figures are in 4000?

4000 has between 1 and 4 significant figures: if it is a rounded number, then it could have been 3999.9, for example, which would be rounded to 4000 to 1, 2, 3 or 4 significant figures.

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5.000e-1 = 1.8394 When rounded to two significant figures, the answer would be 1.8

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6,256 rounded to 1 significant figure is 6,000

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It already is rounded to three significant figures.

76.51cm round to two significant figures?

76.51 rounded to 1 significant figures would be 77

How do you round .005 to 3 significant figures?

e A number that has only 1 significant figure can't be rounded to 3 significant figures

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