Sometimes they are.
101.1203 has seven significant figures: 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0 and 3.
12.2300 has six significant figures: 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 and 0.
120.00 has five significant figures.
if between two other digits ex: 3009 or ending zeros when there is a decimal ex: 54.300
There are 6 zeros in one million written in digits (1,000,000).
Four - zeros between significant digits are significant.
No, they are not.
Five - any zeros after the decimal are significant unless they're placeholders. Any zeros between significant digits are significant.
there are 29 zeros in the first 200 digits of pi.
Yes they are they are very significant
6 zeros and 7 digits 1,000,000
There are 10 digits but 8 zeros
if between two other digits ex: 3009 or ending zeros when there is a decimal ex: 54.300
There are 6 zeros in one million written in digits (1,000,000).
False, Zeros are only significant digits when there is a primary number such as 1 before the as in 3200, then two zeros are counted but if zeros are before as in 0.032 than the only digits counted are 3 and 2.
Four - zeros between significant digits are significant.
No, they are not.
Yes - zeros in-between significant digits are significant.
Five - any zeros after the decimal are significant unless they're placeholders. Any zeros between significant digits are significant.
Five. Zeros in between significant digits are significant and trailing zeros that are after the decimal are significant.