0.02 is already in decimal form
#However, , you would say it as 'zero point zero two'.
To write the number 7.002 in words, you would say "seven point zero zero two." This is because the decimal point separates the whole number part (7) from the decimal part (002). When reading decimal numbers, each digit after the decimal point is pronounced individually.
No... you can write it to any number of decimal places.
no need to change the denominators
0.5 is 5/10 whereas 0.05 is 5/100 and so on.
0.02% = 0.0002
1/2000 = 0.0005
No u r dumb... there is a decimal it makes a difference
It is a negative number in the form of a decimal as -0.002
No. 0.002 is 0.2%20% is 0.2 (to change a decimal to a percent multiply the decimal by 100).
0.000 002 inch(es).
2% = .2/100 = 2/1000 = .002
Two thousandths of an inch is written 0.002"
.002 as a percent is .00002%. If 002 does not have a decimal in front of it, then it means 2, which is .02% To find a percent, just move the decimal two places to the left. To turn a percent into a decimal, move the decimal two places to the right. The reason why this works: A percent is really a number over one hundred. So 2% is really 2/100, which when divided out becomes .02.