0.2 rounded to the nearest whole number is 0. When rounding a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. Since 0.2 is less than 0.5, it rounds down to 0.
7.02 rounded to the nearest one or whole number is: 7. This is because the decimal value ".02" is not greater than or equal to 5. When rounding anything equal to or greater than 5 gets rounded up while the rest rounds down.
0.196 is already rounded to the nearest thousandths.
It is: 4.7 because .02 is less than .05
It is: 3.3 because .02 is less than .05
It is: 02
7.02 rounded to the nearest one or whole number is: 7. This is because the decimal value ".02" is not greater than or equal to 5. When rounding anything equal to or greater than 5 gets rounded up while the rest rounds down.
0.196 is already rounded to the nearest thousandths.
It is: 4.7 because .02 is less than .05
It is: 5.6 because .02 is less than .05
0.2 is not a prime number. Prime numbers belong to the set of whole numbers.
decimal point to the left of the whole number. Example: 1= whole number. Less than 1 as a decimal is .00, .01, 02 etc.
02 is 2. 2 is greater than 0.35 is. If you mean .02 or 0.2, they are both less than 0.35 is.
If you choose to include 0 as a whole number (debatable it is only theoretical and not existent) then 99 (01, 02, 03...) but if you include 00 then it is 100. If you wish to include negative numbers as these also are only two digits then it is 199 (assuming you included 00, if not then 198). But even after all of that and you didn't include 01, 02... and -01, -02... then it would be 180. And finally, 0 is another answer because 0000036.00000000000000 is still a whole number but has an infinite number of zeros on the end and in front of the '36'. There is a complex answer to a simple question, enjoy!
"Perfect square" refers to the square of a whole number, starting with: 02 = 0 12 = 1 22 = 4 32 = 9 etc.
...For the Whole World to See was created on 2009-02-17.
Whole Lotta' Woman was created on 1961-02-19.