The correct representation when the number 0.007225 is rounded off to three significant figures is 0.00722
11225 g rounded off to 3 significant figures is 11200 g. You drop the 2 and the 5 because they are not significant in this case. It's like saying "bye Felicia" to those extra digits.
To convert the number 0.004758 to three significant figures, we need to round it off appropriately. Identify the significant figures: The given number, 0.004758, has 5 significant figures. Determine the significant figures based on the three most significant digits: The three most significant digits in 0.004758 are 4, 7, and 5. Round the number: Look at the digit immediately after the third significant figure, which is 7. Since 7 is 5 or greater, we round up the third significant figure (5). Apply rounding: The number rounded to three significant figures is 0.00476. Therefore, 0.004758 rounded to three significant figures is **0.00476**.
It is then 0.067 when rounded to 2 significant figures
7.0001 rounded off to 4 significant figures is 7.000
155cm rounded to two significant figures is 160cm
111.009 mm rounded off to four significant figures is 111.0
Yes, 510 rounded off to 3 significant figures would be 510.
The answer is 0.059 as the four significant figures are 0,0,5,9.
The correct representation when the number 0.007225 is rounded off to three significant figures is 0.00722
It is: 0.0024