To convert a decimal to a percentage we just move the decimal two spaces to the right. In this case, 0.75 = 75%.
.075 = 3/40 as a fraction in its simplest form
75m = 2952.73391 inches
Well all you put is 075 so that Ina fraction would be 75/100 but I think you meant toputwhich wouldbe 75/1000
Without a decimal, there is no difference.
To get percentage, multiply by 100 and add the percent sign; so the answer is 7.5%.
125 is more than 075, so 125 mg is more than 075 mg.
i think its $ 0.075
.075 = 3/40 as a fraction in its simplest form
Is 0.15 percent more than .075 percent?
If 075 mcg is 0,075 microgram and the liquid is water the voume is 0,075 microlitres.
I assume you meant 0.075 milligrams. If so, your answer is 75 micrograms. If you meant 075, as in 75 milligrams, then this is 75,000 micrograms. Just multiply by 1000 to get the answer.