That already is a decimal. No need to convert anything.
This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.
I need help in how to convert fractions to decimals
Oh, dude, 20 cents is just 0.20 in decimals. It's like the easiest math problem ever, right? So, if you're ever in a situation where you need to convert your pocket change into decimals, now you know!
2.2 cents
That already is a decimal. No need to convert anything.
1/4 of a cent 1/400 of a dollar
This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.
One and a half cents in decimals is 0.015
Five and one half cents in decimals is 0.055
I need help in how to convert fractions to decimals
75 what? 25 times 5 cents = 75 cents 2500 times 5 cents = 75 dollars
Oh, dude, 20 cents is just 0.20 in decimals. It's like the easiest math problem ever, right? So, if you're ever in a situation where you need to convert your pocket change into decimals, now you know!
1.5 in decimal is 1.5 or 1.50 either way is right. 1.5 in fraction form is 1 50/100.