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Q: What is 1187 rounding to nearest hundreds?
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Is the answer 670 for rounding by the nearest ten and hundreds?


What is 331 to the nearest hundreds place?

After rounding, the result is 300

What is 5.697 rounded to nearest hundreds place?

The correct answer is zero when rounding to the hundreds.When rounding to the hundredths the correct answer is 5.70

What is 7.12 rounded to?

This depends what you are rounding by. If it is to the nearest whole number it would be 7. To the nearest tens place it would be 10. If you were rounding by the nearest tenths it would be 7.10.

Find the difference between the greatest and the smallest number each of which on rounding of gives 5400?

The answer depends on whether the rounding is to the nearest hundreds, the nearest tens or nearest unit!

What is the answer to 5294.6 rounding it up to a hundreds?

It is 5300 when rounded to the nearest hundred

What is the answer to rounding to the nearest hundreds using number 2811?

2811 rounds to 2800

When you are rounding a number and the number you are rounding to is the same number do you keep the number that you are rounding the same?

Yes. 12300 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 12300. No problem!

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What are the two numbers in 247 rounding to the nearest hundreds

Can 90 be rounded to 100?

Yes. Rounding 90 to the nearest hundreds results in 100.

What is rounding whole numbers?

You can round off to any values such as the nearest odd number or the nearest tens or hundreds etc.

Does 613 round up or down?

As it ends with a 3, if rounding to the nearest 10, it will round down to 610. If you are rounding to the nearest hundred, then the 1 in the tens position will make it round down to 600. If rounding to the nearest 1000, it would round up to 1000, as there is a 6 in the hundreds position. So it depends on what you are rounding to.