5.8 is already in decimal form!
Fraction Decimal 5/8 0.625 6/8 0.75 7/8 0.875 1/9 0.11111111
Well if it's the hardest way to solve this decimals. I use this tricky way to get the decimal number. i used the convert fraction; for ex: the fraction of 8/12. you have to divide 8 by 12 like this: 8 ÷12 = 0.6666666666 * USE YOUR CALCULATOR TO SOLVE THIS * so the decimal form of 8/12 is 0.6666666 . ---------------- Hope that helps, Mrs. Yung.
If you mean recurring decimal .... 6 then as a fraction simplified it is 5/12
7/15 or as a decimal form its 0.46
The answer to the problem of 5/8 minus 5/24 is 5/12. In decimal form it is 0.41666.
5/8 = 0.625
The decimal form of 5 over 8 is 0.625.
Expressed in decimal form, the vulgar fraction 5/8 (five eighths) is equal to 0.625.
8 months 8/12 of a year and in decimal form 0.'6' recurring '6'
5.8 is already in decimal form!
3 and 5/8 written in decimal form is 3.625
0.625 =5/8 =62.5%