Well if it's the hardest way to solve this decimals. I use this tricky way to get the decimal number.
i used the convert fraction;
for ex: the fraction of 8/12.
you have to divide 8 by 12 like this: 8 ÷12 = 0.6666666666
so the decimal form of 8/12 is 0.6666666 .
Hope that helps,
Mrs. Yung.
9 20/5= 9 + (20 ÷ 5)= 9 + 4= 13.0 in decimal
Well, honey, 23.45 as a mixed number is 23 9/20. You take the whole number, which is 23, and then the decimal part, 0.45, becomes the fraction 9/20. Simple math, darling.
Expressed as a decimal, 1 9/20 is equal to 1.45.
9/20 = (9*5)/(20*5) = 45/100 = 0.459/20 as a decimal is 0.45.
- (3 and 9/20)
the decimal number for 3 & 9/10 is 3.90
It is: 9/20 = 0.45 as a decimal
9/20 = 9 ÷ 20 = 0.45 in decimal
decimal of 3/9 = 0.33333 3/9: = 3 ÷ 9 = 0.33333 in decimal
9 and 3/100 = 9.03
9 out of 20 can be written in fraction form, then converted into decimal form, then converted into percent form: 9 out of 20 can be written 9/20 next, divide the top number by the bottom number to convert into a decimal number: 9 divided by 20 = .45 next, multiply .45 by 100 and add the percent sign: .45 x 100 = 45 = 45%
2 9/20, as a decimal = 2.45
3 and 9/100
The answer is 9. It is a multiple of 3. 3+3+3=9. It is less than 20: 20-9=11.It is not a prime number. It is odd, and it is not a factor of 30. 30/9=3.3333333333