18 / 100 = 0.18Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.18 * 100 = 18%
18 over 30 as a decimal would be 60% or 0.6 18/30=0.6 100*0.6=60 60 (in this context)=60% (or just 6.0)
0.72 as a decimal in simplest form is 18/25. To convert a decimal into a fraction (1) write a 1 under the decimal in fraction form: .72/1 (2) remove the decimal and add as many 0's to the right side of the 1 as there are numbers to the right of the decimal: 72/100 (3) reduce the fraction to its lowest terms: 72/100 can be reduced to 18/25
Well, 18% is basically 18/100 Decimals like .00 is in the hundredths place
We first remember that 18% is a decimal.,18/100, which can be written as the decimal 0.18. If we multiply this by 75000, we get 13500. This is 18% of 75000.
decimal form of 12 over 18 = 0.6667
18 / 100 = 0.18Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.18 * 100 = 18%
18% as a decimal is 0.18. As a fraction, it is 18/100. In simplest form it is 9/50.
18% As a fraction = 18/100 or 9/50 As a decimal = 0.18
9/18 = 0.5
18% in decimal for would be 0.18, and in fraction form it would be 18/100 which can be reduced to 9/50.
Well, darling, Eighteen and seventy-two hundredths in decimal form is simply 18.72. It's as easy as pie, just move the decimal point two places to the right and voilà! You've got your answer.
9/50 times 2 = 18/100 an the decimal is 0.18
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 18/100 is equal to 0.18.