17 / 18 = 0.944444Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.944444 * 100 = 94.44%
18 / 24 = 0.75Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.75 * 100 = 75%
Times 9/50 by 2 =18/100. divide 18 by 100 which is 0.18
18 / 25 = 0.72:Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.72 * 100 = 72%
7 is what percent of 18= 7 / 18= 0.388889Converting decimal to a percentage:0.388889 * 100 = 38.89%
0.18 is equivalent to 18/100
18 / 100 = 0.18Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.18 * 100 = 18%
18 over 30 as a decimal would be 60% or 0.6 18/30=0.6 100*0.6=60 60 (in this context)=60% (or just 6.0)
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 30/100 is equal to 0.3. Expressed as a decimal fraction, 18/50 is equal to 0.36. Therefore, 30/100 is six hundredths smaller than 18/50.
17 / 18 = 0.944444Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.944444 * 100 = 94.44%
18 / 24 = 0.75Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.75 * 100 = 75%
Times 9/50 by 2 =18/100. divide 18 by 100 which is 0.18
18 / 25 = 0.72:Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.72 * 100 = 72%
18 / 72 = 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.25 * 100 = 25%
7 is what percent of 18= 7 / 18= 0.388889Converting decimal to a percentage:0.388889 * 100 = 38.89%
32 over 100 in decimal = 0.3232/100:= 32 ÷ 100= 0.32 in decimal
It is: 18/100 = 0.18 as a decimal