12.36 written in word form is: twelve and thirty-six hundredths.
0.00002 written in word form is two hundred thousandths.
3.42 written in word form is three and forty-two hundredths
Eighty billion.
1.86 written in word form is "one point eight six." It's as simple as that, honey!
2139 miles = 344239 kilometers
3 x 23 x 31 = 2139
The greatest common factor of 2737 , 2139 = 23
1000000000000000000000 written in word form is: one sextillion.
1,3,7,21 1,3,13,39
12.36 written in word form is: twelve and thirty-six hundredths.
0.00002 written in word form is two hundred thousandths.
0.0079 written in word form is: seventy-nine ten-thousandths.
1.0076 written in word form is: one and seventy-six ten-thousandths.
Just how it has been written in the question: "Word form".