To one decimal place it is 1.6
It is: 5.5
The nearest tenth of 1055 is 1055.0. This is because the tenths place is the first digit after the decimal point in a number. Since 1055 is a whole number with no decimal point, the nearest tenth remains the same as the original number when expressed to one decimal place.
It is 4.76218 : a decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of a one is ten times that of a one in the place to its right. It can be a fractional number or a whole number.
To one decimal place it is 1.6
To round 2.818 to the nearest one decimal place, you would look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 1. Since 1 is less than 5, you would round down. Therefore, 2.818 rounded to the nearest one decimal place is 2.8.
The nearest decimal point to the question is, 2.4
It is: 5.5
Rounded to one decimal place it is 2.1
To one decimal place it is rounded to 4.7
The answer is 17.0
The answer is 13.2
The correct answer is 4.4
A number expressed to one decimal place (not one place decimal) is one that has a single digit after the decimal place. This is the digit in the tenths place so such a number may also be described as "rounded to the nearest tenth", or "accurate to a tenth".