26 rounded to the nearest hundred is 0. When rounding to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place. Since 2 is less than 5, we round down to the nearest hundred, which is 0.
25.5% rounded to nearest whole percent is 26%
To the nearest integer, 27 To the nearest ten, 30
19.83 rounded to the nearest one or whole number is 20. This is because the value of the tenths place ".8" is greater than ".5". When rounding anything that is equal to or greater than 5 gets rounded up while the rest gets rounded down.
26,426,000 is already rounded to nearest thousands place.
The correct answer is 25.9
It is: 2/26 times 100 = 7.7% rounded to one decimal place
26 rounded to the nearest hundred is 0. When rounding to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place. Since 2 is less than 5, we round down to the nearest hundred, which is 0.
25.5% rounded to nearest whole percent is 26%
25.612 rounded to the nearest whole number is 26
To the nearest integer, 26 To the nearest ten, 30
685 rounded to the nearest integer is 685.
The diameter, rounded to the nearest meter, is: 26 meters(25.7831008 meters).
To the nearest integer, 27 To the nearest ten, 30
It is 26.