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Q: What is 26 rounded to the nearest hundred s?
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11,000. 982 rounded to the nearest hundred is 1,000 (effectively 10 100's).

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To round to nearest hundred, look at the tens digit: if it is 5 or more round up otherwise round down; 2 is not 5 or more, so round down: 5921 → 5900 to the nearest hundred.

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3,000 already divides evenly into 100's, so 3,000 itself is the answer.

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801's nearest ten would be 800 801's nearest hundred would be 800

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How to Estimating product of whole numbers and decimals?

Round your factors to the nearest 10's, 100's 1000's, etc. Then multiply. You should be able solve the problem more or less in you head. If you need to use a pen and paper, you must round to and even higher place. When rounding, if the place your rounding ends in 1-4, you round down. 5-9= round up. For example: 14 rounded to the nearest 10 =10. 16 rounded to the nearest 10=20. 123 rounded to the nearest 100= 100. 191 rounded to the nearest hundred= 200.

What is rounded in nearest tens and nearest hundreds and nearest thousands for 10706?

To the nearest ten: 10710 To the nearest hundred: 10700 To the nearest thousand: 11000

What is 34289 rounded to the nearest thousand s?

It is: 34,000

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It is 20,000 when rounded to the nearest 10,000's place