This cannot be a whole number. It is 4/5 as simplified fraction, or 0.8 as decimal
Nothing you can do to 25% can ever make it a whole number. In order to be a whole number, it has to be '1' or more, but 25% is only one quarter.
To the nearest whole number, it is 25.
As a whole number, you can write 25 percent as 25%. As a part of a whole number, you'd write 25% of it as .25% or one quarter -- 1/4, of the whole number.
Yes, odd numbers refer to any whole number that cannot be divided in two to make another whole number. When 25 is divided by 2, the answer is 12.5 which is not a whole number.
80% of 25=20 so answer is 25
That isn't a whole number. You can round it to the nearest whole number, but that will no longer be the same number.
The whole number in simplest form for 25 over 5 is five (5).
decimal: .25 whole: 25 fraction: 25/100 or 1/4
because there is no whole number when multiplied by itself that gives 20. 25 is a square number because 5 x 5 = 25
No, not all whole numbers are 25, but 25 is a whole number.
The number 60 can't be divided by 25 and get a whole number.
25 is already a whole number.
Due to the property of uniqueness, the only whole number that equals 25 is 25 itself!
25 IS a whole number: you need do nothing.
2 plus 4/25 = 2.16
Nothing you can do to 25% can ever make it a whole number. In order to be a whole number, it has to be '1' or more, but 25% is only one quarter.