To write 213 as a decimal, you simply write it as 213.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. Therefore, 213 as a decimal is 213.0.
213 is an odd number
Can't round to the nearest 100th because the number is not given to the 1000th place. You could answer 235.50, although that is not technically correct. Nearest tenth, 235.5 Nearest whole number, 236. Nearest 10, 240 Nearest 100, 200
Yes -213 is an integer because it is a whole number
0.2134 is rounded to .213 in the nearest thousandth. (.2 is the tenths place, .21 is to the hundredths place, .213 is to the thousandth place, and .2134 is to the nearest ten-thousandth place.
We're guessing that you mean "radian" measure.To change an angle in degrees to one in radians, multiply it by pi/180 .That number is about 0.0175 . (rounded)You could also divide degrees by 57.296 . (rounded)213 degrees = 3.7176 radians. (rounded)
213 to the nearest hundred is 200. When rounding to the nearest hundred, you look at the digit in the tens place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, 2 is less than 5, so you round down to 200.
To write 213 as a decimal, you simply write it as 213.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. Therefore, 213 as a decimal is 213.0.