It is 22/25
Therefore, 8/22 simplified to lowest terms is 4/11.
To express 256 in simplest form, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) between 256 and any other number. In this case, the GCF between 256 and 1 is 1, so the simplest form of 256 is 256/1. This cannot be simplified further because 256 is a prime number.
256 over 1000 is 0.256 or 32 over 125.
It is: 22/33 = 2/3 simplified
256 over 512 is 1 over 2, or a half.
It is: 64/1 simplified
No, one over 22 may not be simplified any further.
22 over 1oo esusydyy
Any fraction with one as the numerator is already in its simplest form.
It is: 22/48 = 11/24
22/5 (22 over 5)
22/500 = 11/250
22/25 cannot be simplified further since the two numbers have no factor in common.
divide both by 5 35/5 = 7 110/5 = 22 35/110 = 7/22