Any fraction with one as the numerator is already in its simplest form.
256 over 512 is 1 over 2, or a half.
It is: 64/1 simplified
4/256 = 1/64 simplified which is 0.015625 as a decimal
To express 256 in simplest form, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) between 256 and any other number. In this case, the GCF between 256 and 1 is 1, so the simplest form of 256 is 256/1. This cannot be simplified further because 256 is a prime number.
It is: 64/256 = 1/4
1/1 or 1 is simplified
it can not be simplified
1 over 12 is simplified
It is simplified as 1 over 2.
1/1 can't be simplified, and is equal to ' 1 '.
4 over 2 simplified is 2 over 1