Well, isn't that a happy little number! 248 as a decimal is simply 248.0. It's like a little tree standing tall and proud in the meadow of numbers. Just remember, every number is special in its own way.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 248, exactly as in the question.
248/1000 = 0.248
25% of 248= 25% * 248= 0.25 * 248= 62
248% = 248/100 = 212/25
The factors of 248 are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 31, 62, 124, 248.
248/160 = 31/20.
248/1000 = 0.248
It is 248.0.
Rounded to two decimal places, 248 ounces is equal to 7030.68 grams.
There are 0.3048 metres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 248 metres is equal to 248/0.3048 = 813.65 feet.
11111000 (from the Windows Calculator)
It simplifies as 31 over 2, which is 15 and a half, or 15.5 in decimal.
There are 25.4 millimetres in one inch. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 248/25.4 = 9.76 inches. Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 248 mm*1 cm 10 mm*1 in 2.54 cm=9.763779528 in
25% of 248= 25% * 248= 0.25 * 248= 62
35% of 248= 35% * 248= 0.35 * 248= 86.8
248% = 248/100 = 212/25
There are 124 twos in 248.