250% is the same thing as 2.5. This conversion from percent to decimal form is the first step. The part of this number before the decimal, 2, can be considered the whole number part of your target mixed number.
As for the part after the decimal, the .5, consider its rightmost place (in this case the last significant digit is in the tenths place) and use it as the denominator. Place your decimal part over this denominator: 5/10.
This yields a mixed number of 2 and 5/10. All that remains now is to simplify. 5 and 10 have common factor 5, so cancelling out those factors from top and bottom leaves 1/2.
That means your mixed number is 2 and 1/2.
How do you write 250% as a mixed number
11.836 as a reduced mixed number is: 11 209/250
9 and 250 thousandths as a mixed number in simplest form = 91/4
2 67/250
How do you write 250% as a mixed number
574.284 as a mixed number is 57471/250
The mixed number is 1 27/250
438.068 as a mixed number = 438 17/250
7.324 as a mixed number = 7 81/250
11.836 as a reduced mixed number is: 11 209/250
The absolute value of 111/250 is less than one and so it cannot have a representation as a mixed number.
9 and 250 thousandths as a mixed number in simplest form = 91/4
It is 108/250
250 is an integer.
A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction.If the numerator is 50 and the denominator is 250,The mixed will be 1/5.
2 67/250