To express 3.333333333 as a fraction, we can first write it as 3.3 recurring. This can be represented as 3.3 with a bar over the 3 to indicate the recurring decimal. To convert this to a fraction, we set x = 3.333333333 and then subtract the non-recurring part: 10x = 33.333333333 and 10x - x = 33.333333333 - 3.333333333. Simplifying, we get 9x = 30, so x = 30/9, which simplifies to 10/3. Therefore, 3.333333333 as a fraction is 10/3.
1/3 or .3333333333
Oh, dude, you're really asking me to do math right now? Fine, fine... 16.3333333333 is the same as 16 and 1/3. So, there you have it, in fraction form. Like, hope that satisfies your math cravings or whatever.
Every fraction is an equivalent fraction: each fraction in decimal form has an equivalent rational fraction as well as an equivalent percentage fraction.
A fraction that has a different sign to the first fraction.
Divide the fraction by 100, and you will get the percentage of a fraction.
0.33333333 = 33,333,333/100,000,000 If you had said that the '3's repeat forever and the decimal never ends, then it would be equivalent to 1/3 .
clayton gummo<3333333333
after tidal river<3333333333 :~)
3,333,333,333 as a percent is 333,333,333,300%
I like the swing. <3333333333
33.3(3333333333. . .)%
All nonzero numbers are significant.
I would say .3333333333...
a lollie pop inventor <3333333333
1/3 or .3333333333
divide 1 by 3. the answer is o.3333333333