300,000 as a decimal is written as 300,000.0. This is because the decimal point is placed after the last zero, indicating that there are no decimal fractions or parts. In other words, 300,000 is a whole number and can be expressed as 300,000.0 in decimal form.
300000 40000 6000 700 30 5 in standard form is 346,735
95% of 300000= 95% * 300000= 0.95 * 300000= 285,000
8.453 x 10^8
8% of 300000 = 300000*8/100 = 24000
300,000 as a decimal is written as 300,000.0. This is because the decimal point is placed after the last zero, indicating that there are no decimal fractions or parts. In other words, 300,000 is a whole number and can be expressed as 300,000.0 in decimal form.
300000 + 40000 + 400 + 20
300000 40000 6000 700 30 5 in standard form is 346,735
360,420 is the standard form of 300000 plus 60000 plus 400 plus 20.
The expanded form is 1000000 + 300000 + 2000 + 600 + 70
That is the decimal form.
95% of 300000= 95% * 300000= 0.95 * 300000= 285,000
That is the standard form.
300000+ 50000 + 4000 + 700 + 80 + 2
390065 = 300000 + 90000 + 60 + 5