It is: 100/3 as an improper fraction
33.3 repeating can be expressed as a fraction by understanding that the decimal repeats the digit 3 infinitely. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = 33.3 repeating and subtract 10x from x to get rid of the repeating decimal. This gives us 9x = 333, and solving for x, we get x = 333/9. Therefore, 33.3 repeating as a fraction is 333/9, which simplifies to 111/3 or 37/1.
It is 345/999 = 115/333
what is 0.194 as a repeating fraction
If you mean: 0.151515.....repeating then as a fraction it is 5/33
0.13333333 repeating in fraction = 12/90 or 2/15
3.25 repeating written as a fraction is 322/99
The answer is 61/495
If all three digits are repeating then as a fraction it is 41/333 in its simplest form
It is 456/999 = 152/333
It is 345/999 = 115/333
.333 Repeating
It is: 263/333 in its lowest terms
546/999 reduces to 182/333
123/999 = 41/333
The vulgar fraction equivalent to 0.333 is 333/1000, or 333 thousandths. If the number you are looking to find the fraction of is 0.3 recurring (that is, 0.33333..., repeating endlessly), this is equal to 1/3, or one third.