The largest 4 digit number that can be rounded off to 3000 is 3499. If 3499 is rounded to nearest thousand then we get 3000 but if we consider a number greater than 3499 then rounding off yields 4000. So, 3499 is the required number.
It is 300 when rounded to the nearest hundred
The largest 4 digit number that can be rounded off to 3000 is 3499. If 3499 is rounded to nearest thousand then we get 3000 but if we consider a number greater than 3499 then rounding off yields 4000. So, 3499 is the required number.
Anything from 2500 to 3499
It is 300 when rounded to the nearest hundred
916 rounded to the nearest hundred is 900
657 rounded to the nearest ten is 660. 657 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.
It is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousandths. Rounded to the nearest thousands would be 87.381.
678 is rounded nearest hundred is 700