254/100 as a decimal is 2.54
It is 0.99 as a decimal.
To write 4.28 as a mixed number, you can take the whole number part of the decimal, which is 4, and then express the remaining decimal part as a fraction over 100. In this case, the remaining decimal part is 0.28, so the mixed number representation of 4.28 is 4 28/100.
Expressed as a decimal, 137/100 is equal to 1.37.
81/100 = 0.81
54 over 100 or (54/100) in decimal = 0.54
Write the number before the decimal point as the whole number and the bit after the decimal point as a fraction over 100, then reduce to lowest terms: 9.45 = 945/100 = 99/20
254/100 as a decimal is 2.54
It is 0.99 as a decimal.
let's say the number is 649 1000 the answer will be 0.649 or 6.49
56/100 written as a decimal is 0.56
To write 4.28 as a mixed number, you can take the whole number part of the decimal, which is 4, and then express the remaining decimal part as a fraction over 100. In this case, the remaining decimal part is 0.28, so the mixed number representation of 4.28 is 4 28/100.
20/100 written as a decimal is 0.2 or 0.20
Expressed as a decimal, 137/100 is equal to 1.37.
To write a percent as a decimal, divide the number by 100. So, divide 50 by 100. The answer is .50.
2375/100 = 23.75
81/100 = 0.81