Expressed as a decimal, 6 49/100 is equal to 6.49.
49% of 15 1/8= 49% * 15 1/8= 49/100 * 121/8= 5929/800or 7.41 in decimal
54 over 100 or (54/100) in decimal = 0.54
Rounded to two decimal places, 11/49 x 100 = 22.45 percent.
75/100 as a decimal is 0.75
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
Expressed as a decimal, 49/100 = 0.49.
26 / 49 = 0.530612Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.530612 * 100 = 53.06%
49/100 = 0.49
49 over 25 as a decimal = 1.9649/25= 49 ÷ 25= 1.96 in decimal
49 over 100 as a percentage = 49% 49/100 * 100% = 49%
decimal- 0.49 percent- 49% fraction- 49/100
Expressed as a decimal, 6 49/100 is equal to 6.49.
49 over 100 in percentage = 49%
a decimal with 1 number to the right of the point is over 10: .7 = 7/10 a decimal with 2 numbers to the right of the point is over 100: .49 = 49/100 a decimal with 3 numbers to the right of the point is over 1000: .117 = 117/1000 However try to simplify the fraction: .25 = 25/100 = 1/4
49/50 = 98/100 = 0.98