To express 5.85 as a mixed number in simplest form, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 5, and the decimal part is 0.85. To convert 0.85 to a fraction, we can write it as 85/100 and simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5 to get 17/20. Therefore, 5.85 as a mixed number in simplest form is 5 17/20.
To find 90 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.9. In this instance, 0.9 x 650 = 585. Therefore, 90 percent of 650 is equal to 585.
Multiply the number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage. 45% of 1300 = 1300 x 0.45 = 585
Add the digits in 585 i.e. 5+8+5=18 18 is divisible by 3 Therefore, 585 is divisible by 3
The factors of 585 are: 1 3 5 9 13 15 39 45 65 117 195 585 The prime factors are: 3 5 13
390 over 585 in simplest form is 2/3
It is: 2/9 in its simplest form
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 5, 585/1000 is equal to 117/200, or one hundred and seventeen two hundredths.
The goal is to find a fraction that will result in a palindromatic number in its decimal form. I would start be creating a palindromatic number as a decimal. The number .585 is an example. It will be a little more fun if the whole form of the number (585) has a few two's and five's as factors, because you will be able to simplify your fraction later. The decimal .585 is clearly equivalent to 585/1000. Since the numerator has a factor of 5, we can simplify to 117/200. .58385 is 58385/100,000 and can be simplified to 11677/200. Just create any palindromatic number you like, and the more factors of 2 and 5 the better for simplifying later.
Half of 585 is 292.5. To find half of a number, you can simply divide it by 2. In this case, 585 divided by 2 equals 292.5. This is because dividing a number by 2 is the same as multiplying it by 0.5, which results in half of the original number.
To find 30 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.3. In this instance, 0.3 x 585 = 175.5. Therefore, 30 percent of 585 is equal to 175.5.
1800 585 1051
Well there fan phone number is 1-404-585-5234 or this way 404-585-5234