5 L
there are 7 hours between 9-4
This would equal 144 hours and 12 minutes.
There are 240 minutes in 4 hours.60 Minutes = 1 Hour240 Minutes = 4 Hours
1500-1600ml/day or 300-500ml every 4 hrs.
1/4....a litter =1000 ml
500mL is 0.0005m3
a little over 4 hours
Divide by 1000 500ml=0.5L
50L is bigger than 500ml
500ml an hour
Auburn is a little over an hour away. Mobile is over 4 hours away. Huntsville's about 4 hours.
One third of 4 hours is 80 minutes.
If you had 4 beers over 8 hours and then wait 6 hours with no more alcohol, you should have no problem passing a breathalyzer test.