It is: 56/60 or 14/15 in its lowest terms
It is: 56/80 = 7/10 in its lowest terms
0.448 as a fraction is 448/1000. In simplest terms it is 56/125.
56% as a fraction in its lowest terms is 14/25
56 % in lowest terms:a percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100, so 56 % = 56 / 100divide top and bottom by 4 = 14 / 25, which is fraction in simplest terms.
14 over 56 as a fraction in its lowest terms = 1/4
306 over 56 in lowest terms is 153 over 28.
It is: 56/60 or 14/15 in its lowest terms
It is: 56/64 or 7/8 in its lowest terms
56 over 42 (56/42) in lowest terms is 4/3 or 11/3
Percent as a Fraction: lets say you have a percentage of 56%. if you write that as a fraction you have 56/100 or in lowest terms it would be 14/25. Decimal as a Fraction: lets say you have a decimal of .56 if you remember that the 5 is in the tenths place and the 6 is in the hundredths place. if you multiply .56 by 100 (the number one hundred has been linked to words like centenial or century or cent... you know like one cent or 100 pennys is 1 dollar... well the word per-cent... percent or percentage means dealing with the number 100) you get 56%. if you recall that answer 14/25 in the percent to fraction explanation... 14/25 is equal to .56 Therefore you can write 56% = 14/25 and you can write .56 = 14/25 its all the same thing.
To convert the decimal 18.66666667 to a fraction in lowest terms, we first identify that the decimal part (.66666667) can be represented as 2/3. Therefore, 18.66666667 can be written as 18 2/3 in mixed number form. To convert this mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (18) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and add the numerator (2) to get 56. The improper fraction is 56/3, which simplifies to 18 2/3 or 56/3 in lowest terms.