Well, isn't that just a happy little question! To round 56.52 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit right after the decimal point. Since it's 5 or more, we round the whole number up to 57. Just like that, we've turned a decimal into a nice, whole number.
14 and 1/4 which can be written as 57/4
57.1 rounded to the nearest whole number is 57.
it is 5756.89 rounded to the nearest whole number would be 57.
It is: 57
1, 3, 19, 57
The square of 57 is 3249 The square root of 57 is closer to 8.
It is 57
The simplest way is to divide it by 1. 57 = 57/1.
57.224 rounded to the nearest whole number is 57
To round to a whole number you're going to round to the nearest number with no decimal. For a half number you will have a number that ends in .5 or with no decimal.Examples;56.893 rounded to the nearest whole number is 5756.893 is closest to 56 and 57. It is .893 away from 56, but is only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearest whole number.56.893 rounded to the nearest half number is also 57The two half numbers that are near 56.893 are 56.5 and 57, but 56.893 is .393 away from 56.5 and only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearer whole number.3.389 rounded to the nearest whole number is 33.389 rounded to the nearest half number is 3.5
The two whole numbers on either side of 57.3 are 57 and 58. The first of these is 57.3 - 57 = 0.3 away while the second is 58 - 57.3 = 0.7 away. So cleary the first, 57 is the nearest whole number.