To round to a whole number you're going to round to the nearest number with no decimal. For a half number you will have a number that ends in .5 or with no decimal.
56.893 rounded to the nearest whole number is 57
56.893 is closest to 56 and 57. It is .893 away from 56, but is only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearest whole number.
56.893 rounded to the nearest half number is also 57
The two half numbers that are near 56.893 are 56.5 and 57, but 56.893 is .393 away from 56.5 and only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearer whole number.
3.389 rounded to the nearest whole number is 3
3.389 rounded to the nearest half number is 3.5
When rounding, if the number is greater than or equal to half, you round up. So 68.50 rounded to the nearest whole number is 69.
Well, honey, when you're dealing with fractions, one third doesn't round to 0 or one half. One third is closer to zero than it is to one half, but it's still one third. So, no need to round it off, just keep it as one third and call it a day.
1 and 1/3 + 1 and 1/3.Rounded to the nearest whole and added together: give 1 + 1 = 2Rounded to the nearest half and added together: give 1.5 + 1.5 = 3
Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.
When rounding, if the number is greater than or equal to half, you round up. So 68.50 rounded to the nearest whole number is 69.
If the fraction is less than half, round down. If the fraction is half or greater, round up.
When rounding to the nearest whatever, half the number round up and half round down. → the numbers that round to 170000 to the nearest 10000 are 170000 ± (10000 ÷ 2) = 170000 ± 5000 However, if a number is exactly half way, the convention is to round them up, so the numbers in the range: 170000 - 5000 ≤ number < 170000 + 5000 → 165000 ≤ number < 175000 will round to 170000 to the nearest 10000 → smallest number is 165000 → biggest [whole] number is 175000 - 1 = 174999
To round a number to the nearest whole number, you round down if the number after the decimal place is less than 5, that is, if it is less than half a unit. If the number after the decimal place is 5 or more, you round up. So 353.25 ft is 353 to the nearest ft. Thanks so much!!!
It is 375, because 0.45905 is less than a half.
3.because if its half or more than you round it to the whole number.
To get the nearest whole number you first write the number of units you have. In this case, that number is 67. The next step is to look at the fraction and ask if it's greater than or equal to a half, in which case you round down. Otherwise, you round up. In this case, we have nine tenths, which is greater than a half, so you round 67 up to 68. Thus, the nearest whole number to 67 and 9/10 is 68.
Well, honey, when you're dealing with fractions, one third doesn't round to 0 or one half. One third is closer to zero than it is to one half, but it's still one third. So, no need to round it off, just keep it as one third and call it a day.
One and one half is 1.5. 1.5 rounded to the nearest whole number is 2. When the number is 5 or more you round up.
Rounded to the nearest whole number, 2/5 rounds to zero. Rounded to the nearest half, 2/5 rounds to one half.
11/20 is more than a half so the answer is 224.