5/6 cannot be an improper fraction. You need a mixed number to reveal an improper fraction. 5/6 is just a regular fraction.
3 6/5 as an improper fraction is 21/5.
To convert 40 over 48 to an improper fraction, you need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 8. This simplifies the fraction to 5/6. Therefore, 40 over 48 as an improper fraction is 5/6.
To change 5 2/6 into an improper fraction, you first need to convert the whole number part into a fraction by multiplying it by the denominator of the fractional part. In this case, 5 can be written as 5/1. Then, add the fractional part to the new fraction. So, 5 2/6 becomes (5*6 + 2)/6 = 32/6.
120% = 120/100 = improper fraction 6/5 = 1 1/5
3 over four is all ways proper and 6 over four like that is improper but if you mean 64 over 4 it is also improper just the way it is
No because in order to have an improper fraction, you need more than 6 to get the improper fraction.
35 over 6
It would be 17 over 6
improper fraction for 3 and 5 sixths = 23/63 5/6:= [(6 * 3)+5]/6= [18+5]/6= 23/6 in improper fraction
11 over 6 1 + 5/6 = 11/6
It is 41/7.
3 6/5 as an improper fraction is 21/5.
To convert 40 over 48 to an improper fraction, you need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 8. This simplifies the fraction to 5/6. Therefore, 40 over 48 as an improper fraction is 5/6.