Divide 5 by 8 until you have no remainder.
If you are given a sum with a remainder, for example, 17 / 5 = 3 remainder 2, then you can convert the number to a mixed number by putting the remainder as the numerator of the fraction, and the divisor as the denominator of the fraction. At this point, the fractional part of the sum can easily be turned into a decimal by dividing the numerator of the fraction by the denominator - therefore, 17 / 5 = 3 2/5 or 3.4.
The answer depends on the divisor (or denominator).
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
It is a terminating decimal.
A decimal does not have a remainder.
It is called no remainder decimal.
Divide 5 by 8 until you have no remainder.
Divide it by the divisor as for example 14/5 = 2 remainder 4 and 4/5 = 0.8 So: 14/5 = 2.8
There cannot be an answer without knowing what the divisor is.
If you are given a sum with a remainder, for example, 17 / 5 = 3 remainder 2, then you can convert the number to a mixed number by putting the remainder as the numerator of the fraction, and the divisor as the denominator of the fraction. At this point, the fractional part of the sum can easily be turned into a decimal by dividing the numerator of the fraction by the denominator - therefore, 17 / 5 = 3 2/5 or 3.4.
The answer depends on the divisor (or denominator).
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
Yes there is. The real problem is just inverting the remainder into the decimal for the answer.