It is: 65
The integer / whole number between 63 and 65 is 64. Any number that you can write down that's more than 63 and less than 65 is a rational number between 63 and 65. There are an infinite number of them, including . . . 63.0000000001 63.01 63.1 63.99909990901 64 64.00001 . . etc.
It is: 65
100 x 0.65 = 65 65 is 65% of 100
The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8. The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8.
65 is a whole number!
It is: 65
Any number, including 65, can be divided by any other number, but the quotient may or may not be a whole number. If you're looking for a number by which 65 can be divided that will give you a quotient that is a whole number, that would be either 5 or 65.
It is: 65
65.39 rounded to the whole number would be as 65, because its decimal 0.39 is less than 0.50. Any number with a decimal as or more than 0.5 would have its whole number round up by 1.
65.14 rounded to the nearest whole number is 65