Well, darling, 643 rounded to the nearest hundred is 600. It ain't rocket science, just chop off the last two digits and you're good to go. So next time you need a number rounded, just remember to keep it simple, honey.
To round 643 to the nearest hundred, we look at the hundreds place digit, which is 6. Since the digit in the tens place, 4, is less than 5, we keep the hundreds place digit the same and change all following digits to zero. Therefore, 643 rounded to the nearest hundred is 600. To round 643 to the nearest ten, we look at the tens place digit, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we keep the tens place digit the same and change all following digits to zero. Therefore, 643 rounded to the nearest ten is 640.
It is 300 when rounded to the nearest hundred
916 rounded to the nearest hundred is 900
It is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousandths. Rounded to the nearest thousands would be 87.381.
678 is rounded nearest hundred is 700