Fraction: 65/100 Decimal: .65
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 65 percent is equal to 0.65.
65% = 0.650.65 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. As a rational fraction it is 13/20.
You can put 65% as a fraction, because 65 percent is the same as 0.65, which can be put into a fraction of 65/100 which can be reduced to 13/20.
Fraction: 65/100 Decimal: .65
Decimal - .65 Fraction - 65/100
65% as a decimal is 0.65. 65% as a % is 65%. 65% as a fraction is 65/100
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 65 percent is equal to 0.65.
65 percent = 0.65 in decimal; 65/100 in fraction
65% = 0.65 = 65/100 = 13/20
65% = 0.65 and 13⁄20
65/100 = 13/20 = 0.65
To convert 65 to percent multiply by 100: 65 × 100 = 6500 %
65% = 0.650.65 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. As a rational fraction it is 13/20.
This is the long way, explaining all the steps: 13% of 65 can be set up as a fraction: 13/65 convert the fraction to a decimal by dividing the top number by the bottom number: 13 ÷ 65 = .2 then convert the decimal to a percent by moving the decimal place 2 places to the right and placing the percent sign: .2 = 20%
65 percent into a decimal = 0.6565% = 65%/100% = 0.65