1, 2, 151, 302, 401, 802, 60551, and 121102.
1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 401, 802, 1604, 2005, 4010, 8020
Every fraction is an equivalent fraction: each fraction in decimal form has an equivalent rational fraction as well as an equivalent percentage fraction.
A fraction that has a different sign to the first fraction.
Divide the fraction by 100, and you will get the percentage of a fraction.
802 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 802/1. You can then calculate equivalent rational fractions if you multiply both, its numerator and denominator, by any non-zero integer.
1.802 as a fraction = 1 802/1000
The factors of 802 are: 1 2 401 802
802 AD means the yera 802 of the current era as defined by the West, ( approximately 802 yeras after the birth of Jesus)
601 * 802 = 482,002
379 1181 802
802 + 6487 = 7289
Yes, 2 is a factor of 802.
2 x 401 = 802
-802 is a rational number
The IEEE was started at February, 1980. So they started to name their standard as 802 such as 802.2, 802.3,802.11 .... 802 - 80 Represents the year when they started 2 - Represents the month
There was no British foreign minister in 802.