12 thousandths = 0.12 in decimal
11/1000 = 0.011
53/1000 = 0.053
convert9 thousandths, 5 hundredths, 8 ones, 6ten-thousandths, 4 tenths in decimal
The decimal notation of 296 thousandths is 0.296
536 thousandths in decimal notation is 0.536
92 thousandths in decimal notation is 0.092.
7 + 8/1000 = 7.008
70 thousandths written in decimal notation is 0.070
92 thousandths written decimal notation is 0.000092
12 thousandths = 0.12 in decimal
Three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation = 0.321
Written in decimal notation it is 20.033.