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Q: What is Adrian Peterson's body fat percentage?
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What is a typical body fat percentage for average people in the US?

The typical body fat percentage for average men population in the us is from 6% to 13% and the typical body fat percentage for the average women population in the US is from 14% to 20% .

Denfition of the percentage daily value?

"The % Daily Value is the percentage of a nutrient that one serving of the product contributes toward the daily recommended amount." This is based on a 2,000 calories per day diet. For example a food label may say 12g of fat = 18% daily value. This means that 12 grams of fat is 18% of the total 65 grams of fat recommended per day You can use the percentage to decide if there is a low or high amount of that particular nutrient in one serving of the product. Low = 5% or less High = 20% or more

What percentage of fat should in your diet?

Your question should ask what are the correct types of fat to include in your diet. Healthy dietary fats would be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are found in olive oil, sunflower, corn and peanut oil. Less than 20% of your calories should come from fat.

What does percent daily value mean?

"The % Daily Value is the percentage of a nutrient that one serving of the product contributes toward the daily recommended amount." This is based on a 2,000 calories per day diet. For example a food label may say 12g of fat = 18% daily value. This means that 12 grams of fat is 18% of the total 65 grams of fat recommended per day You can use the percentage to decide if there is a low or high amount of that particular nutrient in one serving of the product. Low = 5% or less High = 20% or more

What us state has highest percentage of fat people?

As of a 2010 Center for Disease Control (CDC) study, the state with the highest obesity rate is Alabama, with obesity affecting 32.2% of the state's population. See link below.

Related questions

How can one calculate body fat percentage?

One can calculate the percentage of fat there is in their body by using the Body Fat Percentage Calculator provided by Healthy Forms which lets you calculate the percentage of fat in your body.

What does your BMI (Body Mass Index)describe about your body?

The BMI Index describes your body fat percentage.

How do you determine your percentage of body fat?

To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive and they are readily available to buy. If you are female, your percentage of body fat should probably be about 15 to 20% for good health. For males the percentage of body fat should probably be about 10 to 15% for good health.

Is there a way that I can determine at home what my body fat percentage is?

The most common way to measure body fat percentage at home is through the use of calipers. Calipers are tools that "pinch" your body fat in different areas of your body and provide a body fat percentage estimate based on those measurements.

A male client who weights 200 lbs and has a body fat percentage of 20%. His body fat percentage goal is 15%. What is the clients current body fat in pounds.?

40 lbs

What are synonyms of body composition?

body fat percentage

What is the average percentage of body fat?

The average percentage of body fat for women is 21 to 31 percent. The average for men is 18 to 24 percent. The body fat can change depending on if you are athletic or not.

What is a typical body fat percentage for average people in the US?

The typical body fat percentage for average men population in the us is from 6% to 13% and the typical body fat percentage for the average women population in the US is from 14% to 20% .

What is the typical fat percentage of the adult male body?

For average adult males the body fat percentage is 18 to 24 percent. It is suggested however that the optimal body fat percentage for an adult male should be around 14 to 17 percent.

What is o'neal body fat percentage?

2 %

What does your bmi body mass index describe about body?

your body fat percentage

How much body fat should a 33-year-old woman have?

As a female, your percentage of body fat should be about 15 to 20% for good health. (For males the percentage of body fat should be about 10 to 15% for good health.) To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin-fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive, are readily available to buy, and can replace a scale or balance.