Yes, the mean can be a decimal. The mean, also known as the average, is calculated by adding up all the values in a data set and then dividing by the total number of values. This calculation can result in a decimal value, especially when dealing with data sets that include fractions or decimals themselves.
Assuming that e refers to Euler's constant, the answer is 403.4288
1.93 193/100 1 and 93/100
To convert 2E-05 to decimal form, we need to move the decimal point five places to the left because of the negative exponent. This gives us 0.00002 in decimal form. The "E" notation represents scientific notation, where the number after "E" indicates the power of 10 by which the preceding number should be multiplied.
Yes, the mean can be a decimal. The mean, also known as the average, is calculated by adding up all the values in a data set and then dividing by the total number of values. This calculation can result in a decimal value, especially when dealing with data sets that include fractions or decimals themselves.
e-2 = 0.1353
It stands for exponent.
The E has a short E sound, the I and the A have schwa (ih/uh) sounds.
0.0498Use your calculator to evaluate e-2. Round your answer to four decimal places and enter it below.0.1353Use your calculator to evaluatee-1. Round your answer to four decimal places and enter it below0.3679
It is 0.050
Like pi the value of e is an irrational number and to 3 decimal places it is 2.718
Just use the first two parts of the decimal after the decimal point. e
It is a finite decimal (i.e. one that is not infinitely recurring. Thus pi, e and root 2 are not terminating decimals).