Eighty-nine hundredths as a decimal is 0.89
To write 0.87 in words, you would say "zero point eight seven." This is because the decimal point separates the whole number (0) from the decimal fraction (87 hundredths). In this case, "eighty-seven hundredths" is expressed as "eight seven" following the decimal point.
Four and eighty-six hundredths in decimal form is 4.86
Four and eighty-nine hundredths
In words, 7.84 would be seven and eighty four one hundredths.
It is eighty seven hundredths.
Eighty-nine hundredths as a decimal is 0.89
Eighty-six hundredths written as a decimal is 0.86
To write 0.87 in words, you would say "zero point eight seven." This is because the decimal point separates the whole number (0) from the decimal fraction (87 hundredths). In this case, "eighty-seven hundredths" is expressed as "eight seven" following the decimal point.
4.87 = four and eighty-seven hundredths.
Eighty-one hundredths in decimal notation is 0.81
eighty-six hundredths = 0.86 in decimal
Thirty-four and eighty-seven hundredths
Four and eighty-six hundredths in decimal form is 4.86