109 in Roman numerals is CIX.
If you are talking about roman numerals, the the numerals in Hindu Arabic is: 246
Exactly 927 but if you meant in Roman numeral numerals then it is CMXXVII
4000 is known as MMMM in roman numerals but I don't want to sound different; according to the rules of roman numerals it is only supposed to go over three digits hence MMMM breaks the rule. 4000- MMMDD I'm not sure if that is quite right? I can't figure out the REAL roman numeral for 4000; all they put is MMMM but that breaks the rule, but sometimes 4000 is known as IV with a line on top. In case if someone asks YOU this question; try to know your roman numerals, if you think 4000 is MMMM in roman numerals, guess what, you're WRONG... IV represents 4 and so sometimes IV with a line on top will represent 4000, I am still not sure if MMMDD is quite right.
The numerals that most Americans use are the Indian numerals or the Arabian numerals
Roman numerals were inspired by Etruscan numerals of which Roman numerals originated from.
It depends on what kind of numerals you are talking about: In Arabic numerals, it is 1000. In Roman numerals, it is M.
There are many but roman numerals refer tohindu arrabic numerals
The Roman numerals of XXVIII are the equivalent of 28 in Hindu-Arabic numerals
dcccxiii in Roman numerals is equivalent to 813 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.
'Numerals???' Are we talking of Roman Numerals. In which case 23 = XXIII
It is already in numerals but if you mean in Roman numerals then its equivalent is MDCCII
Those are Roman numerals. In Arabic numerals it is 1697.
XIX in Roman numerals is 19 in standard numerals.
Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.