50th or Fiftieth Ordinal numbers are just numbers that identify the order of things: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth), etc.
The closest prime number to 16, and less than 16, is 13. The closest prime number to 33, and greater than 33, is 37.
Infinity is an imaginary number so if you meant the previous whole number to infinity it would be expressed as infinity minus one. If you meant the highest number possible before reaching infinity is would be: infinity - 1/infinity
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the tough questions! So, like, the number word form for the number 7 is "seven." I mean, it's pretty straightforward, right? Just say the number out loud, and there you have it!
54th or fifty-fourth
50th or Fiftieth Ordinal numbers are just numbers that identify the order of things: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth), etc.
Ordinal can used as either a noun or an adjective, depending on context. Just as I was dozing off in my religious studies class, the professor threw the ordinal at me.
If the windshield is the ordinal one look towards the middle on the bottom the number is right there I just changed mine. The number should be DOT583
1st-first 2nd-second 3rd-third It's just numbers with endings like st,nd,rd,etc.
prime number just before 97 = 89
47 is the prime number that comes just before 53.
The prime number just before ninety-seven is 89.
No significance; just a decorative form of ordinal notation.
The ordinal number 40th is spelled fortieth.