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The set of complex numbers is the set of numbers which can be described by a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, and i is the imaginary unit sqrt(-1). Since a and b can be any real number (including zero), the set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers. Also the set of pure imaginary numbers is a subset of complex number set.

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Q: What is a complex set?
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Could anyone list numbers not in the set of complex numbers?

No. Complex numbers is the highest set of numbers you can go, and there are no sets outside of complex numbers.

What is the set c?

It is the set of all complex numbers.

Set of real numbers and set of complex numbers are equivalent?

Real numbers are a proper subset of Complex numbers.

What is the difference between a set of real numbers and a set of complex numbers?

The set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers. For the set of complex numbers, given in the form (a + bi), where a and b can be any real number, the number is only a real number, if b = 0.

What denotes a complex number?

Elements of the set C denote complex numbers.

What number Set does not include decimal values?

The set of complex numbers.

What are set of complex number?

Complex numbers are numbers of the form (x + yi) where x and y are real numbers and i is the imaginary square root of -1. Any collection of such numbers is a set of complex numbers.

What are complex calculations?

This probably refers to how to handle computations with the set of Complex Numbers (which is a combination of the set of real numbers and imaginary numbers), rather than just complicatedcalculations, or calculations which are very involved and as-such appear very complex (which is a different thing than Complex Numbers).

What is the acronym CISC?

Complex Instruction Set Computer.

What is the cardinality of the set of all complex numbers?

It is the continuum.

What is the difference between imaginary numbers and complex numbers?

No difference. The set of complex numbers includes the set of imaginary numbers.

Which set of numbers is not a subset of the rational numbers?

A set which contains any irrational or complex numbers.