The LCM will never be less than the GCF. To be a multiple of both numbers, the LCM will have to be equal to or greater than the larger number. To be a factor of both numbers, the GCF will have to be equal to or less than the smaller number. The only problem comes when you're comparing a number to itself. The LCM of 10 and 10 is 10. The GCF of 10 and 10 is 10.
The Sieve of Erastosthenes shows prime numbers.
To find the GCF of 36, 42, and 54, we must find the prime factors of all of the 3 numbers. 36=12*3=4*3*3 42=6*7=2*3*7 54=6*9=2*3*3*3 For the GCF, you must include any number that is a factor of EVERY number in the list, and you write it the least amount of times that it shows up. Only 2 and 3 are factors of all three of the numbers you listed. The least 2 shows up is 1 time, and the least 3 shows up is one time. So the GCF is 2*3=6
exposition and trade shows
The number line
its called a number line
because the # line shows the rational #'s in order from least to greatest
658, 632, 453, 396, 387 and 357.
If you want to ask questions about "which answer", then I suggest that you make sure that there is at least one answer that is following.
Mode is the # that shows up the most in an order of #'s least to greatest
They are: 25.1, 23.46 and 23.17
Without knowing what the choices are, we'd only be guessing.
Substance A: 100°C, Substance B: 98°C, Substance C: 90°C
what is a line that shows a number in order using a scale is called what is it called
All three numbers that appear in the question are integers, not fractions!All three numbers that appear in the question are integers, not fractions!All three numbers that appear in the question are integers, not fractions!All three numbers that appear in the question are integers, not fractions!