97 is a prime number. Thus its prime factorisation is itself: 97. (1 is NOT a prime number.)
7 is already prime; no factorization required.
The prime factorization of 87 is 3 x 29.The prime factorisation of 87 is 3 x 29.
Prime factorization.
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic or the unique factorisation theorem would fail.
40 is simply a number. It does not and cannot explain prime factorisation!
because they divide into 6 evenly - no remainder
There is no factorisation since 3 is, itself, a prime.There is no factorisation since 3 is, itself, a prime.There is no factorisation since 3 is, itself, a prime.There is no factorisation since 3 is, itself, a prime.
Nobody "created" prime factorisation. But Euclid proved the unique prime factorisation theorem.
89 is already prime.
The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7
In the prime factorisation of the number, each factor must appear an even number of times.In the prime factorisation of the number, each factor must appear an even number of times.In the prime factorisation of the number, each factor must appear an even number of times.In the prime factorisation of the number, each factor must appear an even number of times.
233357 is a prime and so 233357 there is no prime factorisation.
Prime factorisation.
It is the unique prime factorisation theorem.
It is the prime factorisation of the number.
The prime factorisation is: 190 = 2519.