If you mean "How to convert binary 42 to base 10" then it is not valid.Binary numbers have primitive symbols of 0 an 1 and thus 42 is not binary
Binary 1001111 is 79 in decimal.
1010 base 2 = 10 base 10 1010 base 10 = 11 1111 0010 base 2
101001, base 10 = 11000101010001001, base 2
163 = 10100011
10 base 2 = 2 base 10
If you mean "How to convert binary 42 to base 10" then it is not valid.Binary numbers have primitive symbols of 0 an 1 and thus 42 is not binary
Decimal is base 10. Binary is base 2. Octal is base 8. Hexadecimal is base 16.
Binary 1001111 is 79 in decimal.
10 base 10
The binary number 11111111 represents the number 255 in base 10.
26 base 10 = 1 1010 base 2
10110101100011 represents 11619 in base 10.
The binary equivalent of the decimal number 75 is 1001011.
1010 base 2 = 10 base 10 1010 base 10 = 11 1111 0010 base 2